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What a Dietitian Can Tell You About Stomach Pain and Bloating? Foods that Trigger IBS
How to Get Rid of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
IBS means you have inflammation and short-chain sugars cannot be absorbed properly. That’s why they end up being fermented. While they usually produce a certain amount of gas, in the case of IBS, the gas levels are really high and they end up creating bloating and pain.
What to do if you have IBS?
In order to stop the inflammation, you should reduce or completely eliminate certain foods rich in FODMAP (Fermentable Oligo-Di-Mono-saccharides And Polyols). The level of reduction depends on your personal case, as not everyone’s gut gets triggered by the same nutrients.
Why does the FODMAP approach work?
In 2010 a group of scientists made an experiment with patients affected by IBS. One group received a diet low in FODMAP, while the other one received a diet high in FODMAP.
Over here you can see how the diet with high FODMAP levels produced almost double levels of gas compared to the one with low levels.
That’s why having the right type of diet it is crucial to stop the inflammation and feel good again.